Boakai-Lawmakers meeting recently, he promised 5,000 USD to each district for the inaugural program.

Boakai-Lawmakers meeting recently, he promised 5,000 USD to each district for the inaugural program.

If this is not meant to bring Team Fonati into submission I don’t know what this is but for me it’s highly regrettable for a professed statesman like Amb. Joseph’s Boakai to already start showing semblance of meddling into the Legislature.

From various news outlets and prominent individuals including some of our colleagues privileged to Boakai-Lawmakers meeting recently, he promised 5,000 USD to each district for inaugural program.

If this is not meant to bring Team Fonati into submission I don’t know what this is but for me it’s highly regrettable for a professed statesman like Amb. Joseph’s Boakai to already start showing semblance of meddling into the Legislature.

It was this same meddling into the Legislature that the Unity Party used against the CDC for sanctioning many of its hard ranking officials, Boakai must take note our partners are watching his early interference.

A 5K inducement to vote your choice at the Legislature in such an early tampering style is an impeachable offense, Mr. President- elect.

I would hope Boakai and his UP understand that the business of the Legislature must be left squarely with Legislators, the era of tampering or inducing lawmakers is over.

My district and I categorically reject anything that smells corruption, so JNB and his 5K inducement should stay clear off our district and people.

If we need inaugural party as a district we are capable of raising our own funding not taking money with a surreptitious source.

Before I leave let me ask, how did a man who lived on loan all along and yet to be seated a President raise 365,000 USD for 73 districts? The truth will be told sooner than later.

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